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Less than 10 spots left for UtiliCon | 25! Make sure to register!

What is UtiliCon?

We bring together the district heating industry with the aim of educating, inspiring and discussing common challenges and to find common smart solutions both for you, your company and for the entire energy system. We are aimed at you who work in the energy sector or the real estate industry. There is something to suit everyone!

NOTE. The event is in Swedish.

Education & Inspiration

A central part of UtiliCon is our education opportunities. We invite researchers, doctors or similar from our largest universities and companies who give us an insight into the energy system of the future. Our hope is that this will give your organization a sense of how you can prepare for future solutions and challenges.

We also invite inspiring speakers from various industries who will give participants a "good gut feeling" and help open you up to new thoughts and ideas . Hopefully, you will bring smart tools home to your everyday life that you can use both at work and in private!
Breakout sessions
An important part of the value you get from UtiliCon is in meeting with your industry colleagues. Utilifeed therefore organizes and facilitates solution-oriented group discussions in a number of different areas - where you as a participant choose which topics are most relevant and value-creating for you!

Take the chance to share your experiences while you get the opportunity to learn from others. The focus is on you as a participant to have a valuable and insightful experience as well as new ideas and perspectives to take back to your organization.
Demos & Roadmap
During UtiliCon, you as a participant get the opportunity to mingle with and get to know Utilifeed's product managers. You are given the opportunity to get demos of our products, where you have the chance to discuss and ask questions directly to the brains behind them.

Utilifeed's management also gives you an insight into the company's vision and future investments. Take the chance to add input and be part of making an impact - your voice is valuable to us!
Relaxing & Fun
UtiliCon is primarily about you as a participant getting professional value out of the event, but we also value that you have a memorable and entertaining experience in addition to this. Take part in a relaxing spa experience, good meals and live music and dancing in the company of your industry colleagues and Utilifeed.

UtiliCon | 25

Info UtiliCon 2025


8-9 may (lunch to lunch)


Jacy'z Hotel & Resort, Drakegatan 10, Gothenburg


SEK 8,950 (ex VAT) per person.

Prices include, among other things: Educations and lectures, accommodation, all meals, entrance to the pool club, snacks and drinks.


Registration is done in the registration form below. If you want to register several people in the same booking, please contact Amrish from Utilifeed.

Registration deadline: 21 march

UtiliCon | 25

Jacy'z Hotel & Resort
Drakegatan 10, 412 50 Gothenburg
8-9 may
Event is in swedish

Participant info

If you work at an energy company or with one of our invited partners, you are welcome to sign up for UtiliCon.

Invoice info

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Contact Amrish at Utilifeed and he will help you further!
Open Profile
Head of Business Development & Partnership
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Amrish Kubavat