In this release, we are pleased to include a new feature, Cluster Explore. It will enable you to examine and analyze your clusters' KPIs and meter data. So now you will be able to learn even more about your grid and your clients. You can analyze meter data for your whole grid and see how each parameter connects and relates to each other. By making clusters of specific constellations of substations you can see the behavior of a section of the grid or a single client or a type of client.
Cluster Explore is similar in both design and function to Substation Explore, meaning that you quickly will be able to recognize and use all its functionalities.
We have introduced a new icon symbolizing a cluster. It is in the top bar and it opens the Cluster List. All available clusters in the network are in the list and you can search on cluster names to find a specific cluster. To learn more about a cluster click on it and the information panel will open.
Similar to the way each substation has an information panel, each cluster has an information panel containing quick glance KPIs relevant to that cluster. The panel displays the number of substations in the cluster and all of the substations are marked on a map. The panel allows you to view information about a cluster as you continue your work in any view.
In the same way, as the information panel for substations extends, the information panel for clusters extends. The extension includes the tabs Cluster Overview and Cluster Consumption. Here you will be able to dig deeper into your cluster's KPIs and data.
This tab visualizes some KPIs relevant to the cluster. There is one section for energy, containing comparisons between measured and normalized energy. The other section has the same types of graphs but compares measured and normalized return temperatures.
The meter data for the cluster is an aggregation of the meter data of all the substations in the cluster. In the consumption tab, you can view this data visualized in three different graphs. You can activate or de-activate parameters by clicking the legends in all three graphs. This way you can look at and analyze only the parameters you are interested in.
The Meter Data graph shows the outdoor temperature, flow, heat energy, supply temperature, and return temperature in a time series.
In the signature diagram, you can view heat energy, flow, supply temperature, return temperature, and delta temperature as functions of the outdoor temperature. In this diagram, you can look at the energy signature for the whole grid. Use internal zoom to look at a specific area of the graph.
In the Duration Diagram, the meter data is sorted from big to small based on one parameter and then plotted. You select what parameter to sort by in a drop-down. In this diagram, you can see how often the flow in a section of your grid is too high and at the same time analyze the delta temperature for those hours. Use internal zoom to look at a specific area of the graph.
At the bottom, there is a filter bar where you easily can set what time period to view. The section contains a graphic filter bar where you quickly make a rough selection of what data to view. If you want to make a precise setting for start and end time, we suggest you use the calendar fields. You can also choose the quick options buttons to view the last week, month, three months, or year of data.
Thanks to our amazing users’ sharp eyes and bug reporting we were able to discover a bug regarding how data is uploaded and interpreted on the platform. Missing data have been interpreted as zero values and the other way around. This bug has been active for over a year and has affected meter data and the front-end calculations. Thankfully, the majority of our calculations are performed in the back end and are therefore not affected.
When using the Compare function in Return Temperature Analysis you want to find changes in return temperature. But because of the bug changes and especially big changes were often due to missing data and not because of a change in return temperature.
The bug made zero values display as missing in the series data, this was very visible in the Signature Diagram in the Consumption tab.
The bug has now been resolved and all meter data is now displayed correctly! Our testing shows that the problem with the front-end calculations had no major effect on the data displayed on the platform.